I can confidently say that giving to others and your community significantly improves your life. I know it seems counter-intuitive to give when you feel like times are uncertain and we should all hold on to what we've got. I promise that the more you give the more abundance your life will have. The joy you will receive from simple acts of kindness will fill your heart with good. The ripple effect we are each capable of creating is bigger than we can even imagine. The holidays are a tough time and I think this year will be one of the toughest of our lifetime. I hope that you give in the ways you are able to. Here are my favourite ways to give to others.
Give the Gift of Time
If you can't give financially, give your time. Sort food at the food bank, offer to get your elderly neighbours groceries for them or drive them to an appointment (calm down, I know this is almost illegal right now but you can both wear masks and be safe!) You can shovel your neighbour's driveway and walk or bake cookies and drop them off at friend's home. The sky is the limit when you are giving your time. This, in my opinion, is the best gift of all.

Give to Charities
CP Kids and Families is a wonderful organization that I am involved with. They offer programs and services to families with children with physical disabilities. They have so many Christmas fundraisers and wonderful ways to get involved!
50/50 Draw
By giving to CP Kids you are helping families raising a child with a physical disability by providing families with support and hope during the holidays and all year long.

Click Images for Links or listed programs above
I have a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy so this is very close to my heart! When I have needed support throughout my health journey I have often looked to the programs that Muscular Dystrophy provides its members. They have an amazing Christmas fundraiser that costs just $17 to support! Every bit counts! Follow the link to purchase your tree ornament and support me and other Canadians with MD as part of your yearly Christmas tradition! Send me photos, I want to see your MD ornament on your tree!
Click Images for Links
Click Images for Links
The Food Bank & The Veterans Food Bank
Both the Calgary Food Bank and The Veterans Food Bank are in serious need of both food and financial donations. The Calgary food bank takes both perishable and non-perishable items. Both organizations aim to provide basic needs to Calgarian's. Please give to either or both of these organizations if you are in a position.
Click Images for Links
Support Local Businesses
Shopping small truly supports your neighbours. It puts money into their pockets to allow them to put food on their tables and provide for their families. If you are in a position to pay in full for your child's dance class or not ask for the money back from the gymnastic club while sports are shut down, please do.
Buy local goods, from local stores. We will all purchase some gifts online and from big retailers but when possible think about the small businesses you have in your life that you can buy from. I promise this will make their day, month or even year! Let's support each other this holiday season!

The holidays are a beautiful and magical time of year for many. The reality is they are also VERY hard for many. Not having the resources to purchase gifts for loved ones can be hard. Being alone (many people will be alone this holiday for a variety of reasons) can be very hard during the holidays. Mental health suffers during the holidays for a million reasons, for millions of people.
This year I hope we can all be kind. Do kind things for people, smile, say please and thank you, buy the car behind you coffee, let someone go in front of you at the grocery store, give a compliment, send a care package to people who live alone, send Christmas cards or text messages telling loved ones about the ways you admire them or why you are proud of them. Be kind in every single way you can. We are all going through so much this year so let's start a revolution to soften and treat one another with love and respect.

With the hugest, most heartfelt THANK YOU, I am so grateful that you joined me again this year for another 12 Days of Christmas. I hope I brought you a little joy, I hope that you make all of the delicious food and decorate your home with all of the personal touches that make you happy. I hope you show kindness and generosity and have the Merriest Christmas and Happiest Holidays! Thank you for being my people and reading along. I love writing these blogs and connecting with my amazing online community. I am so grateful for YOU!